For Survivors

CSUDH is committed to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free of sexual misconduct, 约会和家庭暴力, and stalking. 你们的安全和幸福是我们的首要任务. 下面,你会发现各种校内和校外资源的列表.

What should I do?


如果你有过性行为不端的经历(例如.g., rape, acquaintance rape, or sexual battery), 约会或家庭暴力, or stalking, 我们鼓励大家 立即寻求警察和医疗服务提供者的帮助 为了你的人身安全,情感支持和医疗护理.

University police can escort you to a safe place and transport you to a hospital or a sexual assault response center for a medical examination, if needed. 大学警察也可以提供一个保密的性侵犯受害者辩护律师. 如果你不想报警的话, you are strongly encouraged to seek assistance from the campus Title IX Officer who can provide you with information on your options, rights and remedies, 和/或校园性侵犯受害者倡导者. 如果您愿意,校园第九条官员可以帮助您通知警察. The Sexual Assault Victim’s Advocate listed below can also assist you in notifying the police and/or the Campus Title IX Officer.

你有权决定什么时候告诉谁发生了什么. 然而,在被袭击后,你得到保密的医疗照顾是非常重要的. 


大学已经指定了一名第九条官员为您提供帮助和支持, 并监督和监督与不当性行为有关的法律和政策的总体遵守情况, 约会和家庭暴力, and stalking. Your Campus Title IX Officer is available to explain and discuss your right to file a criminal complaint; the University’s relevant complaint process, 以及你在诉讼过程中获得协助的权利, including the investigation process; how confidentiality is handled; available resources, both on and off campus; and other related matters.


  • Nallely López
    Welch Hall B470G
    Phone: (310) 243-3619
    星期一至星期五上午8时.m. to 5:00 p.m.



  • Chief Carlos Velez
    Emergency: 拨打校内电话911或3333分机
    Non-Emergency: (310) 243-3639

Local Police:

  • LA County Sheriff
    Carson, CA
    Emergency: 911
    Non-Emergency: (310) 830-1123


U.S. 教育部,民权办公室:

    Medical & Counseling Services:

    Campus Services

    • CSUDH Student 心理服务 提供预约咨询(韦尔奇大厅和大学剧院之间).
      (310) 243-3818
      星期一至星期五上午8时.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    • 学生健康服务 为学生提供医疗援助和预约.
      (310) 243-3629
      星期一至星期五上午8时.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Off-Campus Services



    Medical Treatment, 包括性侵犯或约会/家庭暴力事件后的服务:

    • 性侵犯之后,打电话给 大洛杉矶女青年会全天24小时电话:(877)943-5778 他们会联系一名训练有素的护士,在性侵犯后提供免费医疗服务, 包括收集法医证据.

    • 在家庭暴力或约会暴力事件发生后,打电话 Peace Over Violence at (310) 392-8381,他们会指引你去你所在地区的家庭暴力中心. An advocate from one of the Centers will contact a trained nurse to provide free medical services after an incident of domestic violence, 包括收集法医证据.

    • 在性侵犯、家庭暴力或约会暴力事件发生后安排法医检查, please call YWCA or Peace Over Violence (listed above) to arrange for a trained nurse to go to the closest hospital and provide the examination for free.
    • 如果发生医疗紧急情况,请拨打911叫救护车.


Criminal: 可以随时向大学警察和/或当地警察报告. 如果你在事故发生后选择不立即报警, 你可以稍后再做报告. However, 随着时间的流逝, 收集证据以协助刑事起诉的能力可能有限. 视情况而定, 警察可能会为你申请刑事限制令.

Administrative你可以向校园第九条协调员报告, who will provide you with written and verbal information regarding applicable University complaint procedures for investigating and addressing the incident. The Title IX Coordinator will also provide you with information regarding resources available to you, 以及正规澳门平台十大赌博你的权利和选择的信息. 第九条协调员的联系信息列在上面.

The Campus Title IX Coordinator will also discuss with you any reasonable supportive measures the University may offer to reduce or eliminate negative impact on you and provide you with available assistance. 例子包括:调整工作分配, course schedules or supervisory reporting relationship; requiring the Respondent to move from University-owned or affiliated housing; or prohibiting the Respondent from contacting the parties involved in the reported incident. These options may be available to you whether or not you choose to report the incident to campus police or law enforcement. 第九条协调员和 倡导、预防和赋权中心(CAPE) remains available to assist you and provide you with reasonable remedies requested by you throughout the reporting, investigative, 以及纪律程序, and thereafter.

Non-reporting: You are strongly encouraged to report any incidents to the police and/or Campus Title IX Officer so that steps may be taken to protect you and the rest of the campus community. 然而,不报告也是一种选择. 


大学有一个正式的书面程序来回应所有性行为不端的报告, 约会和家庭暴力, and stalking. 公平办公室 & 包容(OEI)将向您提供资源并与您会面. 如果你决定和OEI见面, 我们将更多地了解您的经验,并提供有关您如何选择继续的选项. 


你应该选择通知大学警察吗, 如有必要,你将被护送到安全的地方, 并可能被送往医院或性反应攻击中心进行体检. 大学警察也可以提供一个保密的性侵犯受害者辩护律师, if desired. First and foremost, the medical exam you receive from a hospital or sexual assault response center treats any physical injuries or effects. 检查可能包括阴道和/或肛门检查, testing, 对性传播感染和可能的怀孕进行预防性治疗. 

第二,医学检查要妥善收集和保存证据. Seeking a medical exam for treatment and evidence collection does not commit you to any particular course of action, 你的医疗记录是保密的.


我们鼓励性行为不端的幸存者, 约会或家庭暴力, 或者跟踪别人,告诉他们发生了什么——这样你就能得到你需要的支持, 这样大学就可以做出适当的回应. Whether – and the extent to which – a University employee may agree to maintain confidentiality (and not disclose information to the Title IX Officer) depends on the Employee’s position and responsibilities at the University. This information is intended to make you aware of the various reporting and confidential disclosure options available to you – so you can make informed choices about where to turn for help. 大学鼓励受害者与一个或多个这些群体中的人交谈.

As explained below, some employees are required by law to maintain near complete confidentiality; talking to them is sometimes called a “privileged communication.“其他员工可能会私下与受害者交谈, and generally only report to the University that an incident occurred without revealing any personally identifying information. Some employees are required to report all details of an incident (including the identities of both the victim and alleged perpetrator) to the Title IX Coordinator. 


医生,心理治疗师,专业咨询师和神职人员 – Physicians, psychotherapists, professional, licensed counselors, 以及那些在校内或校外工作或做志愿者的神职人员,他们仅仅以这些角色或身份行事, 在提供医疗或精神健康治疗或咨询方面(包括那些在这些办公室工作或做志愿者的人) may not report any 将性行为不端事件的信息告知大学的其他人, 包括第九条协调员, without your consent. 以下是校园内专业咨询师和医生(如果有的话)的正规澳门平台十大赌博:

  • Mayra Romo, CSUDH受害者辩护律师
    Phone: (310) 243-2567
    星期一至星期五上午九时.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    Internet, email, and voicemail are not secure forms of communication; please only provide contact and/or scheduling information. 受害者辩护律师办公室地点将在确认后提供.
  • CSUDH Student Health and Psychological Services
    (310) 243-2818


如果你向当地或大学警察报告某些性侵犯, 警察必须通知你,你的名字将被记录在案 除非要求保密. 如果你要求对你的身份保密, your name will not become a matter of public record and the police will not report your identity to anyone else at the University, 包括第九条官员. 大学警察将, however, report the facts of the incident itself to the Title IX Officer being sure not to reveal to the Title IX Officer your name/identity, 或者损害他们自己的刑事调查.

The University is required by the federal Clery Act to report certain types of crimes (including certain sex offenses) in statistical reports. 然而,虽然大学将报告 type 被称为年度安全报告的年度犯罪统计报告中的事件, 您的姓名/身份将不会被透露.


尽可能地, information reported to the Title IX Coordinator will be shared only with individuals responsible for addressing and resolving the incident. The University will protect the privacy of individuals involved except as otherwise required by law or University policy.

如果您要求第九条协调员对您的身份进行完全保密, the Title IX Coordinator will explain that the University cannot always honor that request and cannot guarantee complete confidentiality. If you wish to maintain confidentiality or request that no investigation be conducted or disciplinary action taken, 大学必须权衡这一要求与大学提供安全保障的义务, 对所有学生一视同仁的环境, 员工和第三方, including you. 在这种情况下, the Title IX Coordinator will determine whether your request for complete confidentiality and/or no investigation can be honored under the facts and circumstances of the particular case, 包括学校是否有法律义务报告这一事件, 进行调查或采取其他适当步骤. 不知道你的身份, the University’s ability to meaningfully investigate the incident and pursue disciplinary action against the perpetrator may be severely limited.



  • Filed a complaint
  • 举报或反对被认为违反非歧视政策的行为
  • Assists someone with such a report; or
  • 以任何方式参与任何相关的调查或解决. 

No officer, 学校的雇员或代理人应予以报复, intimidate, threaten, coerce, 或以其他方式歧视任何行使其权利或责任的个人. 报复包括威胁, intimidation, reprisals, 和/或与就业或教育有关的不利行为. Retaliation, if proven, 是否违反了学校的政策,可能会受到纪律处分, 直至并包括终止雇佣或开除学籍.