

Adobe Sign is a self-service tool that allows designated members of the campus to create and route electronic documents for signature. With Adobe Sign, 指定的员工可以上传一份电子文件,并将其发送出去签名. 使用每个收件人的校园帐户执行安全签名. These guidelines describe recommended practices when using Adobe Sign for university business and those that must be avoided as they create unnecessary risk to the campus.



本文档适用于使用带有Adobe Sign的CSUDH帐户的任何人, 无论文件是在何处发起的(i.e. 在校内或校外)或从什么设备启动文件. 使用受限于这些要求和校园 用户负责的使用政策



The primary focus of this standard is to encourage appropriate and acceptable use of the Adobe Sign enterprise resource, 符合南苏丹发展委员会的核心使命和机构优先事项.


Guiding Principles


  • 合同:在华南理工大学签署的所有合同均以大学的合同为准 合同的权力. Please ensure that people added as signers to the workflow are operating within their authorization for 合同和协议.
  • College Deans and Department heads must have a list of employees authorized to sign and the scope of the delegation of authority for each.
  • An Annual Access Review for all Employees will be conducted by the Information Security Office. Adobe Sign account requesters (Deans/HR Liaisons/Resource Managers/IT Liaison to Auxiliaries) shall review the list of authorized signatories and identify the need for staff/faculty with an Adobe Sign account.
  • All assigned employees with the ability to send documents through Adobe Sign shall use this privilege carefully! We recommend reviewing Adobe Sign documentation in the campus knowledge base before sending your first document.


  • Form Ownership: Each campus form (and associated process) is managed by Information Technology. 在未事先与IT部门确认之前,不要假定可以通过Adobe Sign处理表单. IT owns the forms; however, the content of the forms belongs to the respective department. To change the forms, IT needs to be contacted and a change request should be submitted.


  • Adobe Sign is used to route and sign documents, and is not intended for long-term document retention.
  • Colleges/departments must maintain fully executed documents per the document retention policy. 对于长期记录保留,首选使用Campus Enterprise Dropbox.
  • Delegation of a signature is only approved if the workflow is delegated and not the actual signature.
  • Adobe Sign已被批准用于内部工作流程和电子签名收集. (No other form of electronic signature is currently approved for University business.)如果某个部门希望与任何第三方供应商/签署者一起使用Adobe Sign, 在上传和发送文件之前,请联系合同和采购部门. It is important to have approval from the third-party vendor to send a document via Adobe Sign. Please contact vendors prior to uploading a document to verify they do not require the document to have a "wet" signature.


  • Any employee who is authorized to sign an agreement on behalf of the University and who chooses to do so through Adobe Sign must sign the agreement using your CSUDH username. Personal or non-CSUDH Adobe Sign accounts may not be used to sign agreements on behalf of the university.
  • 签名者始终可以选择打印文档, “湿”签名,并返回给发件人一份硬拷贝, 而不是同意通过Adobe sign签署合同.
  • The signer may not delegate signing authority to those who do not have the authorization to sign documents. 以维护Adobe Sign和所有其他CSUDH服务的安全性, 永远不要分享你的用户名和密码.
  • Please keep personal Adobe Sign accounts separate from official CSUDH issued Adobe Sign accounts. Access to CSUDH's Adobe Sign account is made through your CSUDH email address and your CSUDH password.
  • 使用Adobe Sign的电子签名是具有法律约束力的签名.
  • 在大学的 合同签署机构, the university official executing the contract is responsible for maintaining the fully-executed contract, 包括所有附件, 以符合大学记录保留政策的方式. The university official executing the contract also is responsible for maintaining records evidencing any electronic signatures obtained through Adobe Sign. 这些记录必须在Adobe Sign之外保存. 大学将在90天后清除所有完整的文件. Adobe Sign is used to execute routing and signatures, not for long term document retention. 员工可以使用Campus Dropbox存档您签署的表格和文件.


  • Adobe Sign senders must review training prior to sending documents through Adobe Sign.
  • 通过Adobe Sign创建简单工作流时, it is the responsibility of the sender to verify that all signers for contracts dealing with university affairs or monetary agreements have signature authority.

Data Retention

只要您的Adobe Sign帐户处于活动状态, 您帐户中未发送的文档将无限期地存储在Adobe Sign中. 完成的文件将在完成日期后保存90天, 然后他们会被从系统中移除.

建议您下载并保存文档到校园Dropbox. 一旦信封被移动到已删除的文件夹, 它们在当天午夜被清除,无法恢复.




  • eSignature is the process a person goes through to demonstrate their intent during an electronic transaction.
  • Digital signature is the encryption technology containing critical details pertaining to the e-signature. (证书颁发机构服务目前不可用.)

At CSUDH, the e-signature is the legally binding record and the digital signature is the underlying technology that helps verify the authenticity of the transaction. See 什么是电子签名? 由加州州务卿定义.



根据加州法律, “电子签名”是指电子声音, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with an electronic record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the electronic record. The Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA) authorizes use of an electronic signature for transactions and contracts among parties in California, 包括一个政府机构. One of the most common forms of an electronic signature in use today is the millions of people use every year to sign their tax returns. The digital signature regulations adopted by the Secretary of State do not apply to the definition or use of electronic signatures as they are governed by the UETA (Civil Code Section 1633.1 - 1633.17).

Level 1 Data

Adobe Sign未被批准用于1级数据. To limit the university's liability all completed documents will be purged from Adobe Sign servers 90 days after completion. You still need to responsibly store the completed documents on campus in a secure way once the routing is complete.








Location & Hours

NSM C-151



(310) 243-2500
